Laser Safety - CE Certified Models Available

Laser Shield Windows

CE Certified Models Available!! Yamamoto offers Laser Safety Windows as a measure to protect operators from the risks of laser usage. They can be used for a variety of applications such as view windows, partition of a control area or as an aperture installation on doors. Lightweight and easily installed, various sizes are available for a spectrum of different wavelengths.

Important Note

If your requirement is not included in our stock list, please enquire with us as our in-house production facility can quickly and affordably customize off-the-shelf components to a variety of sizes and shapes that will meet standard, precision or high precision quality.

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Model Name / Standard Wavelength (nm) / OD Color / Luminous Transmittance Filter Code Maximum Size (mm) Qty
YL-510CNdYAG2 / CE 266,355,532,1064 / 8<,8<,4<,7< Amber / 27% W-010 1200x1000x3.5
YL-500Argon 200-515 / 4< Orange / 60% W-001 400x400x3
YL-500NdYAG (SHG) 480-540 / 6< Red / 15% W-002 400x400x3
YL-500LaserDiode 633,760-850 / 5< Blue / 7% W-003 400x400x3
YL-500CO2 10600 / 10< Green / 60% W-005 400x400x4
YL-500Fiber / CE 920-950-1100-1150 / 7-8-7< Green / 40% W-009 1200x1000x3.5